Can concrete mixing plant be converted into dry powder mortar production line?

- Oct 19, 2017-

Concrete mixing plant can be converted into dry powder mortar production line? Concrete mixing station in the country has become mature, the basic production line of concrete in each region. Competition is fierce, profits are gradually reduced. While the dry powder mortar market prospects, the amount is gradually increasing. However, the concrete mixing plant can not be converted into dry powder mortar production line.

The structure of the concrete mixing station and the dry powder mortar production line is different. All along, dry powder mortar production line was considered and concrete mixing station in the form of basically the same. Specifically, if only consider the type of equipment, dry powder mortar production line and the conventional concrete mixing station is not very different from the process point of speaking even more simple, simple dry powder mortar production line is nothing more than a few cans, several scales Place the problem. But if you really want to see such a dry mortar equipment manufacturing, then you are wrong, dry powder mortar equipment design and manufacturing is a set of systems engineering.